Type | Misdemeanor |
Public title | Insulting ministry of interior affairs |
Case no. | no. 5738 year 2014 al Maadi misdemeanor |
Case year | 2014 |
Court | Al Maadi |
Department | Al Maadi misdemeanor |
First degree judge | Ayman Zaalok |
Second degree judges | Non accessible |
Number of defendants | 1 |
Names of defendants | Alaa Ahmed Seif al Islam Abdul Fattah |
Adverse and representation | Public prosecution – accusation authority |
Accusations | Verbal assault against officers in Tora prison |
Articles of accusations | Artilce 133/1 of penal code |
First degree verdict date | 28th May 2015 |
Verdict | Imprisoning the defendant for one month with bail 100 L.E and a fine of 200 L.E |
Second degree verdict date (appeal) | 11th July 2015 |
Second degree verdict | Accepting the appeal in form and for the subject the suspension of the appealed verdict and the acquittal of the defendant |