Appealing against the decision of reserving the finances of a citizen for being accused of joining Muslim Brotherhood group in the case no. 48962 judiciary year 68

Type: Administrative cancellation and other administrative claims

Case no.: 48962 judiciary year 68

Date: 2014

Court: Administrative judiciary

Department: First

Decision appealed against: the decision of the committee formed by the Minister of Justice decision no. 7995 year 2013 stating reserving his finances

First verdict date: 16-12-2014


Appellant: Mohamed Sultan Abdul Aziz Younis

The Appealed against: Temporary President of the Republic – Prime Minister – Minister of Justice as the Supreme President of the Real Estate Registration and Corporeal Registration – Minister of Interior – First Assitant of the Minister of Justice and the head of the formed committee to execute the issued verdict in the suit no. 2315 year 2013 urgent Cairo each in his capacity

Judges: President – Ahmed Hassan Al Moqanan

Members: Mohamed Abdul Fattah Abbas al Qorashi – Ahmed Soleiman Mohamed Soliman

Verdict text: The court ruled of the acceptance of the lawsuit in form and the suspension of the decision appealed against with what results from this in the way figured in the reasons and obliged the administrative body to pay expenses this request and the referral of the lawsuit to the State Commissioners Authority to prepare a report concerning the legal point of view.