Mostafa Khaled Mahmoud Mahdi 6621 year 2014 al Mataria administrative

Type: Under investigation

Case No. case no. 6621 year 2014 al Mataria administrative

Case year: 2014

Adverse: Public Prosecutor

Representation: Accusation authority


Investigation Decision

Date of arrest: 15-8-2014

Date of first investigation: 16-8-2014

Decision: to be detained for four days under investigation

Date of renewal session: 29-9-2014

Public Attorney: Mostafa Khater

Public Prosecutor: Public Prosecutor

Prosecution President: non accessible

Prosecutors: Ziad al Halafawi

Prosecution: Mataria

  1. of defendants: 1


S Name Accusation Investigation decision
1 Mostafa Khaled Mahmoud Mahdi 1- joining a terrorist group 2- participating in a demonstration Release with bail of 500 L..E.


Decision Text:

Non accessible