Withdrawal and cancellation of the independent syndicates and unions no. 12089 judiciary year 69

Type: Administrative cancellation and other administrative claims

Case no.:  12089 judiciary year 69

Date: 23-11-2014

Court: Administrative judiciary

Decision appealed against: The cancellation of negative decision of the abstention of the issuance of a decision to withdraw and cancellation of what so called the independent syndicates and unions and the rejection of its foundation


First verdict date: 26-6-2016


Appellant: Guibali Mohamed Guibali Abdul Mogheith as the head of the Public Union of Egyptian Workers Syndicates and a representative of the General Syndicate of Workers in Road Transport

The Appealed against: 1- President of The Republic 2- Prime Minister 3- Minister of Labor Force and migration each in his capacity

and 1- Tarek Mostafa Abdul Fattah Head of the head of the General Syndicate of Workers in Property Taxes

2- Magdi Hassan Ali Ali as a legal representative of the independent syndicate of workers in the road transport

3- Ragab Mossaad Abdul Azim Known as “Ragab al Sawahli” as the head of the General Free Syndicate for Workers in the Road Transport (interfering adverses with the administrative


Judges: 1- Ahmed Mohamed Al Shazly (president)

2- Samir Ahmed Abdul Maqsoud (vice president)

3-  Tamer Youssef Taha (vice president)

4- Adham Darwish (State deputy)


Verdict text: The court ruled of the suspension of the suit as pending and the referral of the case without fees to the Supreme Constitutional Court to judge the constitutionality of the articles (4-7-13-63) of the Syndicate Law no. 35 year 1976 and its amendments and pending judging of the expenses costs