Appealing against the negative decision of abstention to block and ban Youtube from the internet inside Egypt

Type: Administrative cancellation and other administrative claims

Case no.: 60693 judiciary year 66

Date: 2012

Court: Administrative judiciary

Department: Economic and Investment disputes (seventh)

Decision appealed against: The negative decision of abstention of blocking and banning Youtube website from the internet inside Egypt


First verdict date: 9-2-2013


Appellant:Mohamed Hami Salem Al Sayed


The Appealed against:  Prime Minister – Minister of Telecommunication – Head of National Telecom Regulatory Authority – interfering in solidarity foundation of “Freedom of Thought and Expression


Judges: Non accessible

Verdict text: The court ruled of

First: The acceptance of the solidarity interference of the foundation of Freedom of Thought and Expression

Second: The rejection of the lawsuit as the appellant has no representation concerning the first two appealed against

Third:  the acceptance of the lawsuit in form and the suspension of the negative decision appealed against of the abstention of taking the legally  decided procedures to ban the mentioned websites for one month and block and ban all websites and links on the internet which show extracts from the film insulting the honoured Prophet peace be upon him under different titles, obliging the appealed against to pay expenses  ordering to execute the verdict with its draft and without announcement and the referral of the lawsuit to the State Commissioners Authority to prepare a report concerning the legal point of view.


The report of the State Commissioners Authority: In the appeal no. 10464, 10558 supreme judiciary year 59 session dated 14-4-2013 proceeded by first: Emad Mubarak Hassan as a legal representative of the foundation of Freedom of Thought and Expression against Mohamed Hamed Salem Al Sayed and second by the executive president of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority  against Mohamed Hamed Salem Al Sayed and the foundation of Freedom of Thought and Expression  the authority accepted the lawsuit in form and in subject to cancel the verdict appealed against including banning Youtube website for one month and ruled as follows:

First: to reject the request of suspending execution

Second: to suspend the negative decision appealed against of abstention of taking legally decided procedures concerning blocking all links on youtube and the internet showing extracts insulting Prophet Mohamed Peace Be Upon Him and Muslims directly or indirectly under any title, obliging the appellants in their capacity in the two appeals and the first appealed against with expenses for the two judiciary degrees